Reconciled is a word we often hear in a Church or similar setting, but do we truly understand what it means or how it works? As an accountant this word resonates with me a bit different than others I imagine. To reconcile an account is to make it the same or match it to the source or master account, by changes and/or modifications. I would say that is what being reconciled to God is. Often times I also hear the word restored, but to restore something is to bring it back to its own original form, and since we are born in Sin, the only way to match the Original Master (GOD) is reconciliation.
To be reconciled we must first know our Sin, We must own it as OUR own. Our Sins are born of our own choices, and not the fault of anyone other than ourselves.
Given the live that I have lived, it would be easy for me tp place blame on my parents, or other family who cast me away, it would be easy for me to blame an ex-husband for a failed marriage. It would be easy for me to list every single person throughout my life, and place some level of blame on them for every bad thing that ever happened in my life, and I often did through the years.
But the reality is, the blame is MY OWN!
We have no control over the actions and choices of others, but we do choose how we react to others and the choices we make. That's right, you choose how you respond to people, and because YOU choose, YOU are the one responsible for the fallout of those choices.
We choose every day whether we are going to live for Sin or live for God, myself included, and no amount of justification or how many excuses we come up with will change the truth.