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Share Jesus NOT Religion

Too often, we forget what sharing Jesus actually means. We get so wrapped up in what someone’s sin might be, that we forget what the...

Church People

More recently than ever before I am hearing and seeing this term in a negative way, to express one's distain for what they consider...

Giving Up

There was a time when I thought how hard must it be to a Christian because of everything you must give up and sacrifice, just to believe...


Reconciled is a word we often hear in a Church or similar setting, but do we truly understand what it means or how it works? As an...

Let go and let God, why is it so hard

Let go and let God. How often do we hear or see these words? A better question might be how often do we act on these words? Not often...

Change within Us

So today my brother who is 4 years older than me, told me I sound old. There was a time that I might have been bothered by that, but not...

False Witness

Exodus 20:16 says"You shall not bare false witness against your neighbor". At first, one would probably take that to mean that we should...


Evangelism, now there is a word that often makes people uncomfortable. What do you think it means? Ol Mr. Webster says "it's spreading of...

New Religion

There are Memes all over the Internet with the words “if your religion requires you to hate, then you need a new religion.” This saying...

Christian by sight & sound

Would a deaf person know we are a Christian only by what they see of us? Would a blind person know we are a Christian only by what they...


Forgiveness for ourselves is just as important as forgiveness for others. If we truly lay all of our shortcomings and indiscretions at...

Saved for works, not by works

We are saved for works, not by works. So then what does that mean? It means that no amount of good works can buy you a ticket into...

Humble or Entitled

God said you do not have because you do not ask. We often ask for many things, but how do we come to the Lord to ask? Do we come with a...

God bless you, pass it on!

Do what you can, where you can, when you can. Accountability and responsibility. The common ground in these words is ability. If you have...

Level of Sin

How often in life do we gauge the level or degree of sin? How often do we create grey areas in life, blurring the lines between right and...

The body of Christ

The body of Christ on earth is the Church. Since we are the church, we then are the body of Christ on earth. We are the hands, feet,...

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